Thursday, August 23, 2007

Not a happy knitter.....

I was so excited to start this project. I was really on a roll...the back, the two front pieces and the sleeves all done. Well, when I went to put the fronts and back together, I realized that the armholes are just gigantic and there was no way this was going to work out. I followed the instructions, but no go. I tried to think of different ways to make it work without ripping out any of my knitting, but there is just no way. So.....I am definitely going to have to rip out the two fronts and probably the back, too. Very frustrating, but I would rather do this right. I am trying to figure out if I screwed up or if the pattern is a little off. I was making the largest size, but I think I may go down a size. Did anyone else have this problem? There was just no way those sleeves were going to fit into the enormous armholes. So.....on to ripping and re-knitting.

2 comments: said...

I'm right there with you sister! I've just ripped out and am restitching one of the front panels. I hope I get it right this time or I"m going to scream.LOL!

Erica said...

Nina, I know it's probably too late, but don't rip out!!! Your fronts are perfect; it's your back that's way too small! I know the front armholes look huge, but they'll be on an angle, so don't worry about that. I think your problem was that you measured the x inches (in the 36" size, 8 inches) from the cast-on edge and not from the armhole. I did the same mistake! Your whole back piece should be longer than a foot, but judging by the photo, it's not. I made the same mistake! :D