Saturday, September 29, 2007

Progress! Sort of. . .

Despite swatching, once I started the back of the 36" size, it was coming out huge. So I ripped it out and started again on smaller needles, bingo! Maybe I'm just more conscientious of my gauge when I'm swatching :) Anyhow, this is the result of a very boring two hour lecture on databases:

WIP Tilted Duster Back

The lighting is poor but I'm much more satisfied this time around! Especially since I used one of the bind off tips mentioned somewhere below; slipping the last stitch to minimize the "stairs" effect. :)


Courtney said...

Great job!! Just remember that it is ok if it is a little big, that way you can wear something underneath it without it being too tight.

Reilly! said...

Thanks! I'm fine with it being big but, it was BIG


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