Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Boggle the mind

well, I put up a post weeks ago about having ordered my yarn and saying that I tend to knit socks on 0 when 2 is called for... so I went out and got size 8 and 9 needles and started with the 8, well, I am up to 9 so I guess you can never tell what gauge will be on what needles until you figure it out!

So I started. My first sweater and all instructions look like a foreign language to me so I am getting that first four inches done of the back THEN I will do one sentence at a time and figure it out. When I try to read too much I get that panicky feeling.

I am on my way!


Courtney said...

Good Luck, I am sure you will do fine :-)

Rachel said...

That is always a good idea. Take it one section at a time and it will seem less unwieldy!! And remember we are all here if you get stuck!!